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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

ये कौन जहाँ है दोस्तो (कमीनो)?

Different worlds

The world still most common people know out there. And the world, this day by day politics is presenting.

Question is whose India these people are trying to "Jodo" with this "Bharat Jodo Yatra?" 

Does the common person out there know, who is coming day by day to join this side of politics?

What if that person comes to know? Would that person out there still support it?

Answer: No

Just the way, I am unable to digest this world at every step since I came to know it (2018).

Whose employment or loss of employment or leaving that kinda employment or what type of industrial employment, the other side is talking about? Again, does the common people out there know that?

Answer: No

For whom this political system and these parties  are working? 

For themselves? Their close circle of people?

Why common people out there should be in dark?

Is not it exploitation of people at larger scale by this small circle, so called upper strata throughout the world?

What an ugly form of politics and system is this?

If some side of politics, whatever party is that -- is really so much concerned about employment, housing, education, health, human development index then instead of Bharat Jodo Yatra err March, better these people try something like hackathons. That wherever they will go, there will be employment creation, education, infrastructure improvement within a week, 10-15 days or 1-2 months. Else these running shows, walks and talks and human resource exploitation ways have been there since blah, blah time. Indira eradicated poverty long long back. Then Rajiv did the same. And many like him are continue doing that. 

BJP and related parties reached one more step ahead. Take away or reduce employment or life of even those who were doing a bit better. Made things so difficult that someone would give away such a shitty job and start looking for better opportunities. Where things should had been been improved. But they had been reduced, deteriorated further. 

Human development index is touching heights of organized violence and buchadkhana presence with the knowledge of supreme court of India. Higher education institute? Supreme Co.....? Education have been reduced to Talibani level. Only Kangaroo courts, madrasaas and gurukuls please. To hell with Universities. And what to say about research institutes?

Why? Gambling, politics, greed, egos and what's not? I wonder, what kind of technologists are supporting all this?

Covid-19 showed another level of human consciousness. Oh yeah! We are in that world where even murders have been exploited like checkmate games of gamblers. Oops! People err soldiers are fighting at Siachen glacier! Do you know their survival fight? Audacity of another level of creepiness? Indeed, who are these soldiers around the world? And fighting for whom? Do they know?

How some hypes or twists or synthetic news/media taking away so many lives? Destroying so many homes? For whom? For what?

Some kiss, some miss, some romance, some relations twists and turns of some people are really so much important topics over all above?

Fact is I started hating, disliking so many people, I used to admire earlier. 

ये कौन जहाँ है दोस्तो (कमीनो)?

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