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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Friday, December 10, 2021

To Hell With The World!?

It's that feel factor where you think that you are lucky if able to tell the world the facts, the inside facts whatever lil-bit you know about.

There are too vested interests species who think "save self and save family is the only motto" even if the crime is impacting the world. To hell with world!

These vested interests are small group of people but out there large groups of people who are there to say.........

If these are the scientists and academicians who are earning in lacs and wasting crores in labs on the name of research, showing so-called impressive data in their biodata

then are not we better less educated, without jobs or not so much money who can show them the mirror "you stupid fools, why are you killing the world by becoming assitants to these shrewd murderers errrrrr politicians! ?

Are not you people part of politics rather than academics?

People doing drama/s even to craft and draft a diseases like pandemic worldwide and then crafting and drafting its hilarious variants, naturally cannot be acdemicians.

They can be politicians

Their puppets

Or chair mongering and hang on chairs as long as possible species!

Chalta hai or it's happening like this only since ages cannot be an excuse for rational minds. That can be an option for mindless species only.

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