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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Ill-Designs and Pattern Frauds

 Part of Bio-Chem-Physio-Psycho-Electronic Warfares: Pros and Cons!

Yes, added electronic also as electronic itself is the worst kind of warfare field.

How long you will show off yourself in police uniform or call yourself a law enforcer before you can say stop these buchadkhanas? 

How long you can design pattern frauds and present them as a mark of your intelligence before someone can say enough is enough? These designs are harming society. They are good for nothing.

How commoners out there will prove or give proofs against nowadays high tech crimes? In case, even if determined then how much time it will take to prove them? A lifetime? And in the process have to bear crime after crime, even visible or invisible threats to life.

Political Theatre, Brinkmanship Models and Disruptive Designs

These terms and many other such terms, I came across first time in the last few years. I had no idea that there can be something like political theatre. What is a political theatre? And how does it work? Who designs and operates them? Checked online resources and felt seems more or less like a western concept. Or should say, such things or ideas or practices can only be for the developed ones? For people who have so much free time, energy and resources. Then who is ruling? 

Disruptive Designs? Heard creative designs. What the hell is this disruptive design? Why does anyone need such designs?

Disruptive Technology. Now, what the hell is this? Why do humans waste their time, energy and resources on something like this? To control others, to manage others and their lives? It means control freaks.  Normal humans will use the same tech to improve others. And control freaks? To control others. Politics is nothing but power tussle and mass management, in simple terms control. Control at whatever cost. 

Can CRISPR9 be a disruptive technology? Technologies like this are there to improve the quality of life or to disrupt the lives? Depends, who is using that and for what purposes. There are so many other such technologies of Biology and related fields, which can create havoc in case of their abuses. Able to wipe out the human race or even whole life on earth. In campus crime series, it's used or abused as a pattern fraud for some metaphoric purpose only. To create a parallel case. Before that I noticed such a fraud in 2011 or 2012 I guess. But this 2019 academic pattern fraud, kind of compelled me to check all other years dissertations and their data. I tried to look beyond that also and one after the other, it was like so much fraud? What kind of intelligence is this? Meanwhile, there were some diseases or their signs under observations in the surrounding. Some educated politicians social pages helped further in these studies. It was some such page which took me to Covid2 and then a lot other such political creations. 

I wondered during this time and felt a bit confused while distinguishing between so many different professions and people. Who is an academician and who is a politician? Who is a doctor and who is a technician? Who is a lawyer and who is a judge? Who is a criminal and who is an implant? Who is a friend and who is an enemy? Who are own people and who are other side? And list can go on and on. Who are fools and who are smart? 

To get over foolishness, and ignorance one needs to be aware. In a world of gwaanrpathas (ignorant people irrespective of their education level) and humanoids, gwaanrpathas cannot even live their lives as per their own wishes, forget in any fight any kinda win.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The World of Gambling!

Complex crime webs/World!

Strange world of strangest parallels and governments based on gambling! 
What can be expected from such a governance? 
Policegiri based on "Let's check her virginity!" kinda bhands!
On the name of saving criminal-surrounding, let's play chess on the name of dignity!
Check mate! under cameras (Interests of thekedaars!)
Taking over interest in people's personal lives on the name of khandkadhari morality!
Fake encounters indicators of healthy system? (Or indications of a rotten system!)
Masaala Artists interference in academics, defence and where not!?

Numbers, Alphabets & Gambles!

I had little idea about these parallel cases though had doubt a few times but ignored. First time experienced in some arguments with earlier VC and warning and consequent high drama of calling some senior Profs and security and


And then came across so many cases day by day:
VC Sajjanar Encounter/Students marks
Bengal Violence/H#16 campus violence (Controversial big boss house allotted to Dr. Sajjan Dahiya alongwith renovation/removing evidences!)  
Delhi Riots/Some normal chat somewhere
CoVID-19/ Script/Minimalist 
54 Day Leave/Ram Rahim Violence/Panchkula/Haryana Bhandh
JK/ICGEB CRISPR9/Ujjala/Bharti/Enforced overnight supervisor change!
Ayodhya Mandir/They say gambling since start 2000 or even earlier (YES numerals/YES BANK!)
Babri Majid/Destruction/Creation cases
Central Vista/Parliament/Delhi
Metro Stations/Dates of start/stations/colours/blah, blah
States Creation/India/dates/names/details
Stock Market/Still lil-understanding how it works but works/Files gamble
Different currencies value day by day changes
Patrol, diesel rates day by day changes
WHO Diseases Data! Worst than terror attacks!
Terror attacks/accidents err murders
Cars/Laptops/Brands/Models/Fine details including names
Governments/PM/President/Cabinets/Strange but true/Jokers of circus!
Defence/Same as government/s
IAS/IPS transfers/Same
Countries/Fights/Sick! But true
EVM/VVPAT/Electricity/Ugly heights!
Bathroom/Premkatha! Ugly Heights!
BBH16 (Big Boss House1)
BBH30 (Big Boss House2)
And countless stories of such parallel cases!

They say world is nothing but numerals! Then must sing  Maths ka khel hai ye jeevan, Maths ko tum nahi maan rahe ho 
Hmm (Then to hell with god/godesses/mandir/masjid/girjaghar/ gurudwara etc.!?)

Monday, July 6, 2020

Where Do You Belong?

A try to differentiate between caretakers, well-wishers, family, friends, relatives vs thekedaars:

There is big difference between care takers vs thekedaars. 
You will find caring people mostly wherever you need in your day by day routines or occasional tasks, happenings, mishappenings, hurdles while leaving you alone where it needs to be. 
While you will find thekedaars everywhere wherever they should not be and mostly nowhere wherever you will need them.
Caretakers would be concerned about your overall growth and well-being then be it personal, professional, social, economic, emotional, physical without any kinda interference.
Thekedaars would be concerned about their own egos and aspirations or targets or justifications without caring about your needs and dreams. They have their own limited version of dos and don'ts like some frogs of a well and highly interfering and disturbing in others lives.
Caretaker people mostly have time for you, to talk, to discuss, to help every possible way.
Thekedaars have limited time like their limited versions of mind. Mostly you will find them wherever they need to fulfill their own egos, targets etc. In general, they have time either to order or how their orders could be executed and targets could be achieved.
Caretaker people know you more as they spend time with you without trying to manipulate and believe in talk or discussion. You can genuinely trust them. They respect your dreams, your needs, your life.
Thekedaars are intrusive every possible wrong and forceful ways. They generally want to know you to manipulate in different ways. They have their own dreams, targets and coercive ways to achieve them.
In general caretakers try to provide a healthy environment for overall development.
Thekedaars live and believe in unhealthy ways.
Caretakers would empower you automatically. Here they do not need to downgrade or danger anyone to make you feel better or confident. Their efforts would be to provide environment for healthy growth.
Tekedaars call unhealthy practices of  slavery kinda treatment of people as empowerment. They keep dividing people based on this or that. Their empowerment cannot happen without comparisons with others. They try to enforce even so-called empowerment without providing environment.

These types exist everywhere in personal, professional as well as social sphere and it is not difficult to identify them.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Management, Art and Craft of Sanaskaari Plus Sciencekaari Politics!

Sanaskaari Politics: They are so-called traditional, god-fearing. Their politics run by making people fool by abusing people's emotions and running their "dhandha by danda" while using all kinda dirty politics. Gods and goddesses are nothing for them but easy and traditional ways to manage herds by overrunning all logics and rationals. 
While the crafty minds use this art of tradition for their own logical targets by using every kinda abuse, the herds cannot see beyond their outer masks. On the name of so-called social-harmony-zone of compromises, these crooks care two hoots even for their own and surrounding miserable lives. 
In sansakaari politics so-called-morality is used and abused in every form. Whoever is able to speak or expose their ugly crimes are easy targets of defamation,  character assassinations, mass-violence, sham-daam-dand-bhed-niti. Their morality spectrum is so narrow, rigid and stinking that it almost always attack love and protect every kind of hate crime, violence, abuses, corruption, manipulations and believe in enforcements either by hook and crook. These later and bigger aspect of moral values do not touch even nearby their morality standards! In these stinking-moral-brigade-environment people's lives and development index in general used to be miserable and unhealthy. In a healthy society pocking their nose into others lives is not just abnormal behavior but pathetic-minds. But it's considered not just normal among this type of environment and politics but kinda some warrior brigade/s! They can manage common people even to believe like some old type babas that even sexual harassment or violence are the means to achieve their target for the good of concerned people, at times without their knowledge, forget consent! Their so-called Gods/Goddesses are most pathetic criminals but easily run in the veins of mindless herd.  This category mostly belongs to illiterates people whose lives run on blind faith. Or people who have done some crime/s or live in fear zone. Or maybe unemployed, jobless or economically weak or vulnerable people who know little about these sanaskaaris masks.

In this kinda politics, social masks are important coverings even at the cost of their own near and dear lives and happiness. Artful use and abuse of social conditioning of particular region is their craft. Worldwide there are regional social-conditioning and somehow resemble in this crafty art.

Sciencekaari Politics: They are at the other end of Sanaskaari politics. They feel great while calling themselves progressive. They use and abuse science by manipulations to create their own kinda world and justice, again like sanaskaari's at whatever cost or possible way. They are more deadlier and in general use and abuse invisible art and craft to achieve their targets to the precision of BioPhysioChem warfare! Their actions can be like robot, much beyond than human general imagination. In most such cases collecting proofs in short time period is hard and almost impossible. Though once caught they are able to tell their own chain of events along time like some chain reactions. Along-with sciencekaari they can have the touch of so-called sanaskaari politics also. Again the business of politics means sham-daam-dand-bhed! Only ways to achieve that can differ.

I used to be like "Politics! Not my cup of tea, talk something else!" Now trying to know the secrets of this crafty-kichad from happenings, mishappenings in the surrounding and globally! Politics, the show and ways our lives are governed  and managed, mostly by unknown people as we let them without our knowledge and consent!