Part of Bio-Chem-Physio-Psycho-Electronic Warfares: Pros and Cons!
Yes, added electronic also as electronic itself is the worst kind of warfare field.
How long you will show off yourself in police uniform or call yourself a law enforcer before you can say stop these buchadkhanas?
How long you can design pattern frauds and present them as a mark of your intelligence before someone can say enough is enough? These designs are harming society. They are good for nothing.
How commoners out there will prove or give proofs against nowadays high tech crimes? In case, even if determined then how much time it will take to prove them? A lifetime? And in the process have to bear crime after crime, even visible or invisible threats to life.
Political Theatre, Brinkmanship Models and Disruptive Designs
These terms and many other such terms, I came across first time in the last few years. I had no idea that there can be something like political theatre. What is a political theatre? And how does it work? Who designs and operates them? Checked online resources and felt seems more or less like a western concept. Or should say, such things or ideas or practices can only be for the developed ones? For people who have so much free time, energy and resources. Then who is ruling?
Disruptive Designs? Heard creative designs. What the hell is this disruptive design? Why does anyone need such designs?
Disruptive Technology. Now, what the hell is this? Why do humans waste their time, energy and resources on something like this? To control others, to manage others and their lives? It means control freaks. Normal humans will use the same tech to improve others. And control freaks? To control others. Politics is nothing but power tussle and mass management, in simple terms control. Control at whatever cost.
Can CRISPR9 be a disruptive technology? Technologies like this are there to improve the quality of life or to disrupt the lives? Depends, who is using that and for what purposes. There are so many other such technologies of Biology and related fields, which can create havoc in case of their abuses. Able to wipe out the human race or even whole life on earth. In campus crime series, it's used or abused as a pattern fraud for some metaphoric purpose only. To create a parallel case. Before that I noticed such a fraud in 2011 or 2012 I guess. But this 2019 academic pattern fraud, kind of compelled me to check all other years dissertations and their data. I tried to look beyond that also and one after the other, it was like so much fraud? What kind of intelligence is this? Meanwhile, there were some diseases or their signs under observations in the surrounding. Some educated politicians social pages helped further in these studies. It was some such page which took me to Covid2 and then a lot other such political creations.
I wondered during this time and felt a bit confused while distinguishing between so many different professions and people. Who is an academician and who is a politician? Who is a doctor and who is a technician? Who is a lawyer and who is a judge? Who is a criminal and who is an implant? Who is a friend and who is an enemy? Who are own people and who are other side? And list can go on and on. Who are fools and who are smart?
To get over foolishness, and ignorance one needs to be aware. In a world of gwaanrpathas (ignorant people irrespective of their education level) and humanoids, gwaanrpathas cannot even live their lives as per their own wishes, forget in any fight any kinda win.