Part of Bio-Chem-Physio-Psycho Warfare: Pros and Cons!
Specific instruments, specific companies, specific codes, specific projects and hold on those of specific people, even by hook or crook. That was the start point of some serious look out for some queries.
After repeated requests to provide departmental list of instruments, what I got was not in proper order but random and incomplete. I asked the lab attendant again to correct that order but got again kinda same with lil-bit changes. Then I asked another lab assistant to correct that order. But in vain. I took that a bit seriously and asked her to work on that in my office room along with me. She did that.
I asked her to give me chemicals list of lab no. 103. There were dilly-dally tactics but finally I had been provided that list. This list was amazing. Amazing in the sense that all chemicals were expired! Reality I don't know but that's what I had been provided. I asked then resource person/faculty who was working there along with some dissertation students that how they were managing all these experiments? And reply was from here or there. Department had enough budget for chemicals but sadly what I came to know that "your department is not utilizing whole budget but remaining budget collapse most of the budget years!" Same was true about maintenance problems and other such aspects. Budget was not the problem but people rather should say mismanagement or dirty politics.
My own papers chemicals list had been delayed rather should say kinda refused on strange grounds by some faculty members. Director himself was party to that delay. Along with delay tactics and strange dilly-dally tactics some special commentary on that list. That list itself had raised some questions in my mind. I tried to know the answers of those questions and it was there in catalogues. What was that?
Maybe some codes
Some typical pattern of codes of different chemicals
And all queries answers were going towards one direction raising the question again: Is not it kinda automation of system with checks and balances by different people, parties wishes?
Then there were some diseases, so called diseases in the surrounding and some deaths at some particular time. Answers to some questions were raising the doubts about these so-called diseases and even some deaths and their specific time.
It did not stop here. People's relations in the surrounding, problems in those relations, births and marriages, abortions and related events and much more was there with questions and questions. And answers were again in one direction, again raising so many questions.
Even more interesting was the live details of this kinda automation were not just there in the official infrastructure, but in people's homes, private institutions, on the roads and everywhere wherever I could look.
In homes and private institutions, these designs were beyond people's knowledge. Some answers were kinda, only if they had known something like this (some so-called bad luck/related events), these designs had not been there.
Same is true about so many diseases and related health problems. Creation of medical emergencies for political reasons, creation of air, water, soil or noise pollution; to some extent or maybe even great extent is again related to this politics.
These queries were not hearty matter but hurty matter. Some were related directly to some deaths nearby. They were not just looking for answers but solutions also. And that solution to great extent lies in awareness of common people.