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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Gamified Society Vs. Informed Society

Gamified society is a criminal society either by knowledge or mostly by ignorance. Gamification is part of political shit to hide the crime and amplify, suppress, twist or alter as per political gambling advantage.

Informed society is a transparent and knowledge society. Here to correct some wrong/s you don't have to hide the crime or create even bigger crimes.

Here people don't play games to amplify the shit, to create organized crime where even highly educated people take part to teach someone via organized violence or via conspired psycho-manipulations! Where professors, doctors, scientists and psychos (psychiatric?) take part in highly organized and ugly and filthy manipulative crimes! 

And what if in any such conspired-psycho-drill of brinkmanship, the victim run away from conspired shit even while under drugged and ugly injections conditions? Don't know how! Maybe by instinct, maybe by clues from here or there or maybe having some such kinda experience earlier! Or maybe someone was there to save this time from this big conspiracy!

Where chairs either support crime or be party to that or become runaway species or show their callous attitude like some dumb shit rather than some official personality. There is difference between brinkmanship and leadership or statesmanship.

In a healthy academic environment a person would have papers with colleagues or students or collaborations. Not strangest and ugliest kinda complains and cases.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

For those who wanna know facts of Covid-19

Those who wanna do research on recent pandemic or simply wanna cross check the facts. Or maybe some who wanna fight against such political crimes:

Anyone can do. 

From any field.


Check news papers of specific time period from specific place or places. 

Check number of infected people from those places in different media houses.

Then check out real numbers manually from that place or area of your study.

Check their age, gender and diseases history including conditions at that particular time.

And you will get some interesting facts.

Same applies to research journals and papers, related pharma companies and specific medicine/s or injection/s and methodologies to treat this so-called diseases.

It also applies to how much these companies invested in this scam and how much benefit they got back.

धंधा है पर गन्दा है ये!

You cannot get back those people who lost their lives in this  धंधा. Many of those families and lives cannot ever be same. If such kinda well designed destructions cannot impact you then nothing can. In simple language you are not a human.

A Gamified Society or An Informed Society?

Part of Bio-Chem-Physio-Psycho-Electronics Warfares: Cons and Pros!

Information is power, Ignorance is slavery!

What if you found yourself on such a territory where you do not understand the language of people. Though people speak there same language as you but meaning can be totally different. 

e.g. Shit Down

Is it shit down or Sh-it Do-wn?

Hawk and Dove or Ha-ak and Do-ve? 

Vaccine or V-a-c-c-ine or Va-cc-i-ne or .....

Then there are numeral combinations along with alphabets. 

And there are special characters along with numeral and alphabets.

e.g. SARS-Covid-2 or SA-RS Co-v-id-2 or C-ov-id-2

Pandemic or Pa-nd-em-ic or.......

Covaxin or C-ov-ax in

Or Covishield C-ov-ish-ield or .........

Influenza or In-F-lu-en-za or ........

Delhi 110001 or ..........


Rohtak R-oh-ta-k or Roh-tak or.....

Rohtak 124001 R-oh-ta-k or Roh-tak or...... 124 ka one or 124 ka 1 

or A ji o ji lo ji suno ji, main hoon man moji or modi? 124 ka 4, 42 ka 1.....

Or may be 124111 code can be 105 or......

Malaria M-al-ar-ia or.........

Or Dengue D-en-G-ue or..........

Or Arvind Kejriwal A-R-V-in-D K-e-J-ri-W-al or..............

Hisar Hi-sar sar-kar or maybe bollywood "Sarkar" aka Amitabh Bachchan or........



DU DEL-HI or .........

Donald Trump Do-na-ld T-ru-m-p or............

Obama O-ba-ma or............

Digvijay DIG-Vij ay or.......

Uma Bharati SA-DH-VI or...........


Code means code. They can be anything and everything. Their meaning and combinations depend on the creator/s of these games or gamble. Now that suits you or not, none of their business.

Yes. Gambling is kinda business where creators of these games and fighters in these gambles must get the benefit even at the cost of lost lives in their gambling or even deaths err call them murders, created and assisted murders!

I care two hoots about such people or surrounding or "so-called educated and highly educated people", who are running these shows worldwide. 

If telling the truth is a crime then yes I am a criminal.

If hiding this shit, crimes of so-called governances around the world is known as patriotism then patriots mean criminals in common people language!

It is like:

What if you are in a war zone and fight is coded. On that there are more than two sides/parties. Codes are almost same but rules to apply those codes are different. 

Common people know nothing about all this. They don't know that by birth they have been coded by their name, place of birth, education or profession or the institute where they are working and almost all things they belong to. 

And these cumulative codes decide their life events including each and everything of their life. That's known as automation of society.

In this automation there are many visible or invisible influences, manipulators acting kinda mutations and well planned and planted accidents as well as so-called deaths (murders). If common people have information about all this, they can change much.

This is also rather especially important for those who are thinking that they are doing great research or are serious researchers. As Science is not pure Science if we consider and keep in mind all above points. It's pure or impure Political-Science. I have lil-bit data to prove that from my own research whatever lil-bit I could do in gone years but could not publish for whatever reasons. Though much more such data is available online to prove that infection in almost all big names of journals, institutes and data collection banks.

It's not you but these people who decide what kind of research will get grant or not. What kind of institutes will be there on the name of research or not.

Most important, who will be who on those chairs.

Not just that but.....

Who will do grading of these institutes.

How institutes will get that grading or degrading.

Same applies to journals i.e. research journals.

Then there is media, the biggest bhand.

"Most" media belongs to either this party or that party. So their news are not news but propaganda of this or that party. They know what to amplify or what to suppress. Parties mostly apply brinkmanship rule. That belongs to war tactics. So we are in war zone all time, an invisible war zone.

There is more, much more especially the cases, real life cases of diseases and so-called deaths from surrounding or far away. Maybe someday they will be in Bio-Chem-Physio-Psycho Warfares: Cons and Pros!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Republic? What republic?

What is the meaning of these nonsensical tactics and maneuvers except political mileage and power shows?

Whom they are beneficial for?

It's like teachers are killing education, doctors health, lawyers law, judges justice...

World governances are nothing but staged shows by some upper strata of society!

Technology power shows and manipulation of masses. Ignorant masses.

That's how, it was. That's how it would be. What's there for common people?

Where is of the people, by the people, for the people?

It's by the powers, by the puppets, by the proxies, fooling the ignorants, ruling the ignorants and killing the ignorants.

Information is power. Ignorance is slavery!

These are "buchadkhana shows", who entered, how deep, how much waters and such new-age-babas-imaginary-shit or tactical maneuvers, blackmailing emotional ignorant masses.

Would like to know a bit more about how this power system works? Though got some understanding but still knowledgeable people can shed better light rather than focusing on buchadkhana-shits.

How they hijack these political chairs? What are the tactical or manipulative forces along-with this "kinda-automation of society"?

Saturday, January 15, 2022

How 2022 treating you?

So how 2022 treating you?

Feeling positive?

Feeling negative?

Feeling blue, black, white, red, hot, cold or you can add something your own. 

I am feeling:

You could have taught me a lot of my interest/s rather than enforcing your own agenda on me. 

People who are interested in who is talking to whom? Who is walking with whom? Who is eating or drinking with whom and what? Who is wearing what type of dresses or colours? What type of hair style or colour? Traditional or western or fusion? Who has what type of sexual orientation or interests? Who is who in whose life? And all such too personal stuff. People who are too much interested in all this, are least interesting to me! They are not just highly offensive but curse on society and their surrounding. They are mess creators. I doubt their well bread, well educated and open or so-called progressive crime shit. I found many poor, rustic, not so educated or reserved people better than these high-class (crass). Live and let live.

I am not interested in "saaas-bahu serials", "snatching, swiping or khunta-gaad series". Or in simple language any kinda enforcers. Was not ever. I am least interested in experimenters err illegal human experimenters. In simple language abusers. Science abusers "dian, randi-type psycho serial creators or violent people", "Ravanas, mahabhartaas or so-called Ramayana creators", "too insecure creatures". 

Or adult, independent (Seems doubtful!) people who need to consult their seniors even to meet someone or wait 20min., 15min., 10min, 5-min. Enjoy your stay. Weather here is pleasant now a days.

Or to the answer "I wanna know what's that Himalaya of Delhi? 

Interesting way answer, Pa-R-Shav-Nath?

Or rather than talking straight... Are you on a spying visit?

Why people need to spy the facts which can be talked straight? Until and unless people are criminal or somehow party to that?

Or that "statue type games"

at 3.49AM meeting, wait 14 min., 59 block, second floor and 419 office room. 

But no such thing exists in reality. 

That's the game! Kiddos games and psychos politics!


Many know what I am interested in. Some are helping in that. Thanks to them.

Some are hurdles in that. Thanks to them.

"Computer and politics pandits knowledge nexus (?)" needs a bit clarity. 

Like Virus can survive at 27C or not, chemistry shastra? "Sir, my loss that you locked your profile. And many others like you, Prof........."

OXY-GEN CYLinDER emergencies? What type/s of gases or microorganisms or simple fear-o-logy of creation of mass hysteria, political-pandits have been using all through history for such political diseases?

Virus variants politiconomics earthshastra media-logy?

How to prepare that media? This is a question of virology or veer-u-logy or depends on the variant?

Yes! I am interested in such type of talks and discussion.

Not who farted, how many times, how much loud types of crass.