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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Book Experimentation!

Observations were making insane

And feeling was giving chills

Spine was feeling terrible

Pain was beyond bearable

Crying inside...

This is not my world

This is not the world, we have been told

We have been shown since our birth

And one after other, I threw away

My lil precious things for experimentation

Whatever I had in materiastic form

Laptops, ipad, phones, car/s to name a few

Including many other home appliances

ACs, fans, microwave, washing etc. etc.

Observed plants under some silly experimentations

And they talked about their own tales

"Plants tales" 

As I was observing the automation of whole society

The way, this net is working

And impacting not just youths

But elders and even kids 

After seeing the net all around

On whole society

Step by step 

Like some spider waeves and entraps its prey

This weaved-kinda-automation works

And engulf people in its sway without their knowledge!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Shadows Circus of Governance (E-Version)

 Shadows' Circus of Governance by Dr. Vijay Dangi

Electronic version is available for readers on Amazon.
Amazon link:

Print version will take some time.
Should I say special thanks to "advance" book reviewers? Book reviews even during book production in direct, indirect forms, here or there ;)

First try in self publication (err technically second, after PhD in 2008, another story!).
So there maybe some mistakes. I would love critical dissection from readers for improvement in further publications.

It has six sections, though could had more but trimmed. Trimmed version is another book in itself.
It looks like a poetry book but details have more to it than just poetry or emotional outpour in the form of words. Each and every word, especially images talk about crime horror and system failure, over the years in different forms. Book covers and templates are pictures from campus house/s or office or nearby.

My special thanks to people who compelled me in this direction (Writing beyond academics or mixed khichadi in future publications). These greats force-stopped my academics in last decade especially. But are they successful? Political diseases dissection/s would tell about that.

My special thanks to those who helped in the publication or are still there.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Question is not about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....... etc. shitty gambling or which crook will fit in, in which design. People like me are least interested in such gamblers and their too narrow, too me, me and mine, mine kinda vested selfish designs. 

Question is can we stop or mend the world, the way it is working?

Probably yes!

Common people need to talk straight rather than codh-o-logy designs, in common people's language. They must stop these parallel cases/conspiracies.

Parallel cases themselves are bigger criminal conspiracies rather than some simple designs. Campus Crime Series, just a simple and small example/s in this big, big but small wolrd of criminals. 

Political diseases (Recent example, Covid-Corona-Pandemic though there are so many examples in history).

Political maneuvers, so-called adventures or misadventures in other countries especially in weak and unstable every possible way. 

Recent example, Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. What a circus of governance around the world!

My heart goes out to Common Afghan people and their sufferings at the hands of so-called super powers! 

Be it political diseases or political conspiracies, so-called maneuvers, sufferer is common people in this circus. Wonder, where are democracies? Rajas-maharajas are playing and players everywhere.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Tech. Enforced Invisible Agenda





Red, Dark Red or maybe maroon?

Purple or Dark purple!

Police is mean and its illegal behaviour?

Police was helping! That policeman/woman was more helping!





Stone? Kidney Stone?

Gall Bladder!

Water related problems? Infections?

Badaam, badaam, badaam diseases, medicines, operations, complications and grrrrrrrr!

Start page 1 from contents?

All page counts! That option no more visible/available!

Templates numbered as per requirement? Total pages 78? 84? 85? 87?

Total pages 79! 82! 88! Including 2 blank pages!

Clear visible templates, covers and words?

Almost invisible or blurred, visibility is too poor, not readable! Kalaakars at work like police is helping!

Fed up of publisher's repetitive unnecessary mails or calls or delay tactics? Self publish with lil-bit more efforts?

Tech. enforced invisible agenda abuse! We will try our best to make it difficult if not impossible!

These are simple day by day "seemingly small problems". But in long run they are hurdles to healthy growth and equal opportunities, almost at every step.

Who are these enforcers?

Big MNCs? Big parties; national or regional? Powerful houses? Algorithms controlled and directed tech. giants? 24-hr directed and enforced advertisements enforcers? Manipulating your life and its direction as per their wishes? At times, trying to enforce each and everything against your direction and wishes! 

Fight is real amid so unrealistic imbalance of power. 

Controllers Giants Vs. Controlled common people lives. And worst in most cases even without their knowledge. Consent is a far away cry.

जहाँ शिक्षा को धंधे पर धरने की हर संभव कोशिशें हों 

बुचड़खानों को खेलों के नाम पर सुशोभित किया जाता हो 

अस्पताल जहाँ यमराज के कारख़ाने नज़र आने लगें हों 

वहाँ प्रश्न  करने वाला द्रोही, राजद्रोही, राजाद्रोही या देशद्रोही 

कुछ न कुछ तो जरूर कहलायेगा 

किसी न किसी बहाने मारा ही जाएगा 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Shadows Circus of Governance

 "Shadows' Circus of Governance" around the world and politics of diseases, accidents and deaths make you think a thousand times...

What are you doing?

Why are you doing?

For what are you doing?

Are you in academics? In circus? Controlled by others? 

Why are you here? 

Questions! Questions! And a thousands of questions!

While trying to get the answers for these questions, I found myself in a whirlpool of drafted and crafted cases after cases (especially after my conditional resignation in 2017), violence after direct-indirect warnings here and there "iska ilaaz jaroori hai!", humiliation, bullying and last one but not least, sedition charges and enforced jail trip! Dramatics and plays even in jail! Watching and listening death-dance err assisted murders in front of eyes, helplessly, by so-called diseases was another blow to the already in pieces mind! Some knowledge is dangerous. Speaking some truths can be life threatening. Searching some answers can create havoc! Living with them inside is even more difficult! What I was trying to search or what type of questions, I was trying to get answers? Diseases pattern frauds in different forms and Covid-19 gave almost all answers!

So for some time, I gave rest to or had to "Campus Crime Series" for whatever reasons. And picked a bit less logical (though still it's logical) but more emotional outpour. Collected mostly, last decade's ranting and venting in the form of poems related to surveillance and packed in the form of a book "Shadows' Circus of Governance". 

Covers and designs are under preparation. Check out: