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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Some Concerns, Ranting, Venting!

How this gamble will end? 
How many more lives it will engulf?
When people will learn to respect their chairs/duties?
When governments will stop barking on the name of religion, caste, regions and such worthless topics? Why courts waste time on such cases?
When people will stop messing and interfering in others personal lives?
When people will learn to respect others sensitivities?
When people will learn to solve problems by discussion and limiting their brinkmanship adventurous testing on humans by considering humans mere machines/human gini pigs?
When students will learn not to be puppets of this or that party but taking their classes and labs seriously rather than acting like goons?

When the Indian government will start talking about jobs, education, better medical facilities? These areas cannot be mere so-called entrepreneur gamble!
When Indian Universities/Educational institutes will have competitive authorities who will have only academic concerns rather than sustaining themselves on chairs by being puppets?
When these political psychos will stop interfering in academic institutes?

Last but not least: 
Can there be any place for the death penalty in any developed society err we still are not developed!? 
Indian jails!! I need to talk! Police? Grrrrrrrr
The Indian court system is pathetic?! People fear to go to courts! They are themselves party to this gamble!
Women rights commissions and human rights commissions are cosmetics judicial parlors! Social justice is nothing more than kangaroo courts of vested interests! Kinda pathetic Mohalla-clinics of goons!?
Should talk about defense? Maybe sometime later.