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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Abuse Integration!

The walk and talk differ from one society to another society, one culture to another culture, one group to another group, one country to another country, one region to another region.

The environment I am living has integrated worst kind of abuse in the worst form. Have a look at their talk, day by day conversation, work culture, so-called ethics, traditional masks and remedies, academic frauds, industrial scandals err entrepreneurship, political gambles and murders err deaths!

As a healthy society (?), these failed people and a failed society err successful puppets and gamblers are black spots of this time-period. 

When you live and play life as numbers game and call that a sport, think what are you doing? Before starting or doing that have you taken permission from the concerned persons? Oh! It was a covert game, gamble for so many years! Persons on whom you kept on experimenting emotionally and then physically with pathetic kinda experimentations were pawns of your chess? Living pawns? No, you people did all that for the sake of some good! I wonder how anyone can do any kinda good to anyone with whom you are not able even to talk frankly, face to face? In case you can then just after few questions you feel like to run away.

We have such लीचड़ err literate so-called "social reformers" having "traditional masks on their ugly crimes" who talk about women, even man at times in the filthiest and ugliest form they can. Did you hear "GoondaRaj Types"? Bloody Kou-maddy-ians! There are two types of people in this game. One who make rules and hide them and play as per those rules err gamble on others. Second, who knew nothing about the gamble itself and tried to know the facts from here and there. This is known as abuse integration (Kinda Patel Statue!)? and release of toxins in each and every healthy vein of a body/society. 

So the so-called social-reformers (criminals) and traditional mask holders on their ugly crimes are the worst type here. It's these so-called do-gooders who plagued the society to empty even its good from inside. It's these malignant people who created a cancerous society.

Did I write something beyond truth, my dear exa-mine-rs, experi-mentive bast-ards, social reformers (Black spots!), do-gooders (ugly criminals!)?

"जैसे चिंटी रगड़ना, नाखूनो के बीच जैसे जूँ को मसलना, टच-टच..... (?)
Big-boss writes great and lowly creatures are big fans or AC or Bath..... paint, shhh of these Khus-want-o-types!
And then there are "that's who you are types... Baby-X-MAS!"
Oh! Shut up Christmas hota hai! Hmm, there is no X-MAS, only Christ-mas!?
"Allen and Belan show!" Yeah! That's who you are!

And then..
Where are you?
I will take one hr, half an hr........ blah, blah, blah
Be-yond under-stan-ding! ;)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Books! O Books!

They have all
Dreams, despair
Hope, determination
Innocence, sweetness
Broken pieces, strength
Rough terrains, toughness
They travel with time, good or bad
Some to keep, some to throw-away

Book 1, too innocent, too chirpy, lived within the limits of Haryana
Click the links below: 



इंसान भी अजीब प्राणी है

Book 2, travelled Delhi (via?) Chandigarh/Ambala?

Rest is history... Experimental History?!

Book 3, Dentally placed/misplaced unsuccessful "Latoo G-Scheme"?

Book 4, Out of 32 teeth, one removed operationally under Robot-G-Scheme! Remained 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 15, 16, 17, 62, 63, 64, 17, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70...... blah, blah, blah?! Maths O Maths! You are too much! Beyond my understanding! Too many possibilities!

Repeat orders/disorders experimentations go on, some counted/not counted?

Books are important indeed. Some we read time and again. Some get lost unread. Some we keep lifelong. Some gifts away without any care or value for them. Some totally unworthy either give away along with newspapers waste to kabadiwalas or go to the dustbin!

The world of books is amazing. Books! O Books!

My favorite since I started a rock and roll under this world-fool err whirlpool are surveillance, CID, police, women rights, human rights, stupids, jokers, gamblers, spy-agencies, private detectives, strange experiments, ghost buildings, governments, governance, elections, defence affair battlefield, etc. etc. And how all this happens? A bit too much indeed!

And then what is life? Not much of a reader? Start writing then... Be a better scribbler at least 😊😜

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Inheritance of DNA

It is so foolish, funny and petty when people talk about having own kid or try to create bonding via so-called own kid to sustain any relationship. Height, to sustain any relation!

In gambling, seman-tic or syn-tactic bonds can be great. But if people like each other then where is the need of any such tactical moves? To hell with the game. It seems such tactics can be great to put a lid or cover up some ghastly crime, done by the same people repeatedly over the years. 

What is inheritance? We know that 99.99% of our DNA is already there in our relatives.  So what is this pass on inheritance necessity? Is it some necessary evil? Not just humans but even human and chimpanzee DNA is so close. Then what is that special, we will lose by not having so-called own kids or by having adopted kids? I wonder why people are so touchy-feely about having so-called own kids either by hook or crook even in the 21st century? Why so narrow ideas even when you call self so-called progressive? 

What a person needs to have a fulfilling life? Some hope, some dream, someone to love, to care, something to achieve. Anything else? It's not just a typical traditional unit/family and way of life to achieve that. There are so many ways. 

The Khujraho-Bhand-Rajgiri or the Pshycho-Shadow-Friendsweepy or any such height of down-rotten criminality, all are so disgusting even to think. What type of creepy criminal series are these? To hell with Kangaroo-courts. They are too interfering in people's lives.  Governments are not enough for that? Humans are not to experiment or test (especially without their consent) but to love and care. 

And what about chairs that skip their duties and act like puppets on whatever name? Should not they be countable if we really want a progressive and healthy society? A person requesting, writing time and again to restore her professional rights but the puppets are either watching or letting and allowing criminals to block every zone of professional development. On that even trying to show that they are helping and caring! Helping in what? 

Any progressive society needs to understand the creepiness of the so-called "Khandkaas and Mustache". More than Dhonsh, progressive societies need Hosh and evolution with time.  Rather than focusing on semen-tic or syn-tactic zone or creating hurdles in people's rights, we need to understand what people really need to have a fulfilling life, a happy and healthy society. 

For any progressive society, we need to understand genetics and inheritance too and challenge pseudo fact files of stupidities.  
We need to shut-up some so-called communists too especially the literate tech. criminals who are able to talk about even crimes like doing some great social work. 

(Start anti-mosquito, anti-dengue, anti-termite, anti-malaria, anti-pollution, anti-terrorists, anti-liberal treatment please!) 😑😎