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Media and education technology by profession. Writing is drug. Minute observer, believe in instinct, curious, science communicator, agnostic, lil-bit adventurous, lil-bit rebel, nature lover, sometimes feel like to read and travel. Love my people and my pets and love to be surrounded by them.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Narrow Views Cannot Cage Me

Narrow views or narrow-mind people cannot cage me. What I felt with time, in a try to cage me they caged themselves for life. 
वक़्त गया कहाँ वक़्त तो आया है
गया वक़्त कुछ लेकर गया है तो कुछ देकर भी गया है  
You always get something at the cost of something else. There is no such thing that cannot give something back as a positive impact provided we have eyes to look at that side. Live in the timelessness of good where the beauty of life is eternal. Get rid of whatever makes things complex and hamper growth.
What one defines, may not fit in some other person's criteria like happiness, like this numeral gambling, like keeping even those numbers in the game who are dead long back without any value addition to the concerned person. Keep whatever is good and useful. Do regular decluttering. It helps to make things simple and aesthetic. Invest in relations, in bonds, in people of your leanings, interests, and views. They give stability. Evolve and adapt along with diversity as the world is diverse. Diwali cleaning program seems still underway and goes on the whole year.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Elections, Governments, Governance and Defence Affair Battlefield

What is a democracy? Who are the voters? Who are the winners? Who are the losers? What are they doing? Where is control?

People who have watched the Karnataka tamasha can guess well what the hell was going. I was watching closely last elections and the results made me suspicious the way things were happening. These elections left no doubt that there is not an iota of democracy left. We are living in a strange gambler's world. 

People from opposite parties are talking about each others crime series sitting on big chairs and day by day happenings, mishappenings from real-life ordinary people! Even little happenings are having big metaphors. A circus is going on since long, somewhere 2000, 2002 or 2003?! So-called friends started experimentation. Defense affairs and circle became a battlefield. With time those experiments got ugly and uglier.

Technology is the biggest farce. Light is dark. The so-called civil societies are circus watchers. A life has been played on the worst way possible! In that process, so many lives got involved with time with the repetition of game after game! 

My Questions (with 99% possibility is yes):

Elections are farce?
Governments and chairs are puppets?
Governance is circus? 
Courts very much part of that?
Defence agencies playing what?

So many deaths are murders? Bio-Physio-Chem-Psycho and Electronics war is going on at its worst since long! In the process, so many innocent lives are being played on day by day! 
What are the corrective measures? 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Value Addition!

Value addition is to help in achieving or give what a person feels s/he needs, not what others feel one must-have. The same is true about any society, system or government.

Do you love, like, care, have any concern for a person or people? How would you treat that person? It defines in itself any relation, any bond then be it personal or professional. It also defines social bonding, justice, system and the government. How much you involve people in decision making which directly influence their lives? Or you tend to take decisions on others behalf? Do you care about their sensitivities also while doing anything or it's just about getting results either by hook or crook? In the process do you make things more complex and ugly or they become simple and better? Most importantly what you become in the process itself? Are you accountable for your actions? With what intentions you are doing anything?

Value addition is like that light which removes darkness but the same light can burn and be the cause of destruction, depends on how it has been used and for what purpose. Same is true about technology and each and every action of ours. Every action has some reaction. Every reaction has some action. The decisions in haste or decisions in hate, in general counter themselves with time.

The poised and composed mind is the state where one does not feel too high in victory or feel too low in defeat. Only such minds can add value to anything. Any punitive actions are worthless if they do not have any corrective measures.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Simplifying Life in a Complex Conflict Zone

Take care of your priorities. Most important is being content. Everything else is overrated.
Take care of your hobbies. They take care of you in all your ups and downs.
Blame game is a waste of time. So many things we do not write about. So many things are not spoken about. 
Forgive people but not their names. Chances are they will come again in life with worse designs!
Get out of complex zone. Get out of control freaks zone. They kill sanity.
Progress without humanity is always regressive and lethal. Rarely such progress can help humans.
Any kinda testing on human beings without their consent is slavery. Either step away from any such zone or take corrective measures. Even when we talk about consent, it's about informed choice without any ill design or intention.
Punishment just for the sake of punishment is a retarted gamble. It would not make people even feel the guilt of their crime. But can create ugly chain reaction of crime.
Two wrongs can never make one right.
Only fools can be sure about most things. A rational mind keep the space for doubt.
Give people chances to improve upon their life even if they are hard core criminals. No one is hundred percent right, no one can be hundred percent wrong.
Nobody can conquer a powerful mind but anyone can be melt by a soft heart. 

Forgive people eapecially when you have so much in control to finish them to the worst!